Industries We Serve
Business IT expertise across all industries in the most cost effective and efficient manner
Ophthalmology & Optometry Practices
Cloud Based Employee Heath Records (EHR) including RevolutionEHR. In-house EHR like EyeFinity.

Dentist Offices
Dental Practice Management System from Henry Schein including Dentrix X-Ray and Imaging software like DEXIS.

Veterinary Practice
Cloud based practice management system including VetOfficeSuite. In-house Practice Management System (PMS) including AVImark.

Primary Care & Medical Practices
Cloud based Employee Health Records (EHR) including eClinicWorks, Kareo, Practice Fusion and AllScripts.

Contact us
Worried about HIPAA Compliance?
Data & Security breeches affecting patient confidentiality?
Patient Records Backup Disaster Recovery?
Are your emails encrypted and protected?
Many practice owners question the thought of Managed IT Services, especially in today’s technologically apt environment. Data and security breeches are increasingly common without adequate technical measures.
Let Guidance IT Consultants ensure that individual applications for managing projects, Employee Health Records (EHR), Patients Management Systems (PMS), and HIPAA-compliant IT combines seamlessly with security, infrastructure and disaster recovery solutions (DRS) to form a safe and cohesive management system for your healthcare administration.
Reach out to GuidanceIT Consulting today! Many medical practices are taking the managed IT Services approach for protecting their provider/patient privacy. Start the process of protecting your provider/patient data at every level for your practice today.

Is Your Office HIPAA Compliant?
Reasonable and Appropriate Levels of Coverage must be implemented at every practice. Practices are required by HIPAA to have these 5 compliances:
- Business Grade Anti-virus software
- Business Grade Firewall
- Encrypted Email
- Username and Password accessed network
- Business Associate Agreements
HIPAA Basics
Practices must protect it’s patient health records (PHI) by following 3 standards:
- Administrative
- Physical
- Technical